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D5.2 Distributed Dashboard and Centralised Visualisation

The deliverable 5.2 of the REALLOCATE project, supported by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme, provides a comprehensive overview of the development and progress of...

Publication Date: 31 May 2024

Author: Anastasios Pechlivanidis, Avraam Bardos, Evangelos Athanasakis, Theoktisti Marinopoulou, Antonios Lalas, Konstantinos Votis (CERTH/ITI)

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D5.2 Distributed Dashboard and Centralised Visualisation


D4.3 Peer Learning and Capacity Building Masterplan

The present deliverable provides the framework for peer learning and capacity building activities within REALLOCATE. This deliverable is part of WP4 which fosters collaboration...

Publication Date: 30 May 2024

Author: Justine Gangneux, Kateřina Kührová (EUROCITIES)

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D4.3 Peer Learning and Capacity Building Masterplan


D2.1 Needs assessment report

The report provides a comprehensive overview of 10 cities and 15 Safe & Sustainable Mobility Labs (SSMLs), referred to as pilots of the REALLOCATE project. It details the...

Publication Date: 01 Mar 2024

Author: Eglantina Dani, Maria Kopp, Tzvetelina Vesselinova (FACTUAL)

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D2.1 Needs assessment report


D4.1 Benchmark for Integrated Learning

The Benchmark for Integrated Learning (Part I of this document) seeks to identify and aggregate the common challenges and learning needs faced by the partner cities during the...

Publication Date: 29 Nov 2023

Author: Kari Jalonen, Otto-Wille Koste, Mariela Urra Schiaffino (Demos Helsinki); Justine Gangneux, Lucian Zagan (Eurocities)

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D4.1 Benchmark for Integrated Learning


D1.3 Data Management Plan

The current deliverable will outline the comprehensive data management strategy of the project. It will detail the approach towards data collection, curation, storage,...

Publication Date: 31 Oct 2023

Author: CERTH

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D1.3 Data Management Plan

European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No. 101103924. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Mission Cities

REALLOCATE is a project under the CIVITAS Initiative, an EU-funded programme working to make sustainable and smart mobility a reality for all, and contributes to the goals of the EU Mission Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities.