Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw, the capital of Poland, is rapidly growing and facing the related challenges of high traffic flows and a large motorisation rate,  with over 630 cars per 1000 inhabitants. Despite these challenges, the city is making progress towards improving its mobility situation. As a result, Warsaw was a finalist in the 2021 EU Urban Road Safety Award.

Warsaw's REALLOCATE twin city: LYON

LAB - Warsaw’s green & safe road to school

The pilot will involve co-designing and co-developing safe, attractive and green solutions around a primary school area in the city centre, together with local stakeholders. This will involve several activities:

  • Thorough pedestrian crossing safety audits (the basis for selecting the least safe intersection in the area of a central primary school)
  • Citizen science initiatives with the school and local community (audits of the surrounding area, collecting climate data and measurements and sensor-derived traffic data)
  • A survey of children’s traffic-related behaviour (through GPS-tracking apps, voluntary walking interviews with children & parents)
  • An analysis of local land use, considering the potential for increasing the biodiversity of the area
  • Co-developing safety measures and public space redesign scenarios through a gamified participatory process with 2D & 3D visualisations
  • Road space reallocation and climate adaptation measures (e.g. including LED public lighting) to improve actual and perceived safety

Safe school implementation




Co-creation workshops

European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No. 101103924. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Mission Cities

REALLOCATE is a project under the CIVITAS Initiative, an EU-funded programme working to make sustainable and smart mobility a reality for all, and contributes to the goals of the EU Mission Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities.